Really good! Thank you for that.

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Oh come on, Erick — stop that. Stay tuned to when Eric does a special on Anglican having cooties.

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Very interesting read.

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Reminder that before it was ended early due to war, Vatican I (one) was going to adopt a dogmatic statement affirming basically what this article describes and what Vatican II eventually described (the explicit desire, or invincible ignorance + implicit desire). You can find the text online. It was never officially adopted, but does show the mind of the council Fathers at the time.

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Love this. I'm not going to lie though, people that have the audacity to claim something like the 21 Coptic Martyrs of Libya are damned because they didn't do the "Catholicism" are a bold kind of special. It makes me wonder about western thinking a lot of days.

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Great response; rational and concise.

Just like Scripture, the writings of the Church must be read with great nuance, and a single sentence/paragraph/document cannot be plucked out of context and interpreted in isolation.

This is difficult for some people to accept, often because they believe that everyone should be able to understand everything at surface level — and if not everyone, at least *they* should be able to understand everything at surface level.

"If it sounds like it means X to me, then it must mean X, because obviously I couldn't be misunderstanding it."

Just another symptom of the rampant egotism of the modern age.

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